Marine Animals Swim

How fast can marine animals swim?

            The sea is where the first living form evolved and now it abounds with different kinds of living creatures such as fish, tortoise, crocodile, eel, dolphin, whale, etc. do you know with what speed these animals can swim?

Marine Animals Swim at varying speeds

            The sailfish is the fastest swimmer amongst all the aquatic animals and travels at a speed of up to 110 kilometers per hour. Next comes the swordfish that has a maximum speed of 95 kilometers per hour. The tuna and the rainbow trout can swim at a maximum speed of 75 kilometers per hour. The next is the race dolphin that can swim up to speed of 65 kilometers in an hour.

            Besides these, the swimming speed per hour of other aquatic animals are; tarpon, 55 kilometer; shark, 45 kilometer; trout, 35 kilometers; salmon 25 kilometer; eel, whale and pike, 15 kilometer. Cray fish, carp, perch, octopus, etc. swim at a speed of less than 10 kilometers per hour. These are not the normal speeds but the maximum recorded speed of sea animals.

Leaves Green in Color

Why are leaves green in color?

            Leaves come in various color but most often they are green. Do you know why the leaves of almost all plants are found in this color?

            We know that the color of any substance depends upon its property of absorption and reflection of the different colors of light. The leaves of the plant appear colored due to the presence of some specific substances in them. For example, the presence of chlorophyll makes them appear green while the presence of carotene makes them yellow.

 Chlorophyll gives the leaves their green colour

            When the leaf contains more than one substance, the color is a mixture. The leaves, which contain both chlorophyll and carotene, appear yellowish green.

            New leaves of some plants contain a red substance called anthocyanin, which gives the pink or red color to the tender leaves. With the passage of time, chlorophyll and carotene are formed in these leaves, which ultimately turn them green.

            The structure of chlorophyll molecules is such that when the sunlight (mixture of seven colors) falls on them, they reflect the green color and absorb the rest. It is this green light that is visible and makes the leaf green.

            Plants synthesize their food with the help of chlorophyll in the presence of the sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. This process is called photosynthesis. Plants without chlorophyll like fungi cannot make their own food. They depend on other living beings. Such plants are called parasites.

            So, you see chlorophyll is very important substance for plants. Apart from imparting the green color to them, chlorophyll also helps a plant to synthesis’ food.

Lion is called the King of the Beasts

Why lion called the king of the beasts?

            Lion is the largest and the most powerful of the wild cats; no wonder it is called the king of the jungle. It is regarded as the symbol of power and strength in almost all the countries of the world. We often hear strong people being referred to as lion hearted. Also the figure of the lion is engraved on many shields awarded to players. Even some flags carry the picture of a lion. The ancient Egyptians believed lion to be a sacred animal.
            It attacks so swiftly that the victim does not get any time to defend it. It can also attack animals much bigger than itself, like giraffe and wild buffaloes, from behind, tearing them apart with the help of its powerful paws and teeth. Lions often hunt in a team.

            Lions were found in many parts of Europe as long as 2000 years ago, but gradually they were wiped out form those parts. Now they are found mainly in the jungles of Africa and North West India. There are only 200 lions remaining in the Gir forest, today.

            Lion is a carnivorous animal that kills wild animals and live on their flesh. It is a member of the cat family. The average length of an adult lion is about 3 meters and its weight varies from 180 to 224 kilograms.

            The female lion is smaller in size as compared to the males and does not have a mane. Lionesses generally hunt and kill the prey. It rests during the day and kills at night. It does not attack elephants and hippopotamus.

            The main animals of its prey are zebra, deer, bear, jackal, etc. if it is not disturbed, it does not attack anybody. But on being teased or attacked, it turns extremely ferocious. Some lions that get the taste of human flesh become man-eaters and start living in the jungles around villages. Whenever they get an opportunity, they kill man, sheep, goats, etc.

            Lions live in family groups called prides of 4 to 30 in the forest. A lioness, after a gestation period of 110 days, can give birth to one to six spotted cubs. The roar of a male lion is a territorial proclamation. Unlike the cat, it cannot climb trees.

            Lions can be domesticated and we can see them I the circus performing tricks. Lions have a potential lifespan of 20 to 30 years.