
How does a Wound Heal?

           Wounds are part and parcel of life. They are not permanent, as they heal in course of time. Do you know how the wounds heal? When your skin gets cut or damaged, the broken blood vessels immediately become very narrow. This stops excessive bleeding and helps prevent germs form entering the body.  Then substances like thromboplastin are released into the blood and cause it to clot. The blood clot holds the edges of the wound together and hardens into a protective scab.

            Meanwhile, white blood cells called Peucocytes rush to the wound and begin to engulf the invading germs of dangerous bacteria. Then larger white blood cells called Monocytes appear and engulf more germs, together with any debris. Any germs that escape are dealt with by a third kind of white cells called lymphocytes. These recognize germs as being foreign protein or antigens. Then they start the production of antibodies, which are protein substances that stop germs from working.

            In the lower layer the dermis of the skin, special cells called fibroblasts move into the wound and start producing new tissues. These new tissues are essential for the healing of the wound. In the upper layer epidermis, the cells around the wound start multiplying and filling the gaps. When the process of new skin tissue development beneath the scab is nearly complete, the scab falls off. This is the process by which a wound is healed.